Frank Frost


H. Masakela (click for slide show)


Sunyland Slim-Click for Bros



Istanbul and Rumi


Italy Sicily

Death and Silence



E-mail: kamil2 at

Küçük Esat M Ertuğrul Mah. Başçavuş Sok.

Tamer Apt. 126-13

Ankara Turkey

Tel.No. Mersin Turkey..(0324) 359 3084


Metropolis Gallery and Café, 2005

Washington Library and Cultural Center, 1999

Transitions Gallery, Chicago, IL. 1999

Daley Center, Chicago, IL. 1998

Pow Wow. O-Kee Jee Gallery Chicago , 1997.

Chicago Jazz and Blues. Mersin Opera House, 1995.

Mothers of Motherland. Mersin Art Gallery, 1995

Istanbul. SESI Gallery, Chicago, 1994.

Art-O-Rama Gallery. Chicago IL, 1991.

Hild Sulzer Cultural Center,Chicago, IL, 1991.

Selections. Hatton Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 1978.

Kizlay Gallery, Ankara 1970.

M.E.T.U. Gallery Ankara, 1967.

Tarsus IS Bank Gallery, 1967.

Hacettepe University Art Gallery,1966

H.U Art Club Exhibition, Ankara 1964.

Chairman of Cine Photo Organization 1966 H.Ü

Organized Photo Education for Students at several


Lectured Mersin, Photo Art Association, on the History of Photography, Photo Composition, Dark Room Techniques. Organized workshops, trips of on landscape photography, Environmental and Socially concious photography.

Freelanced for SIPA press Paris, Anotolian Press Agency,

Kanal D, and Cumhuriyet Newspapers.

In charge of METU University Env. Eng. photo lab.

Organized many educational exhibits. Works published in books and jounals.


Awarded by Du Sable Museum of Chicago, and purchased for permanent collection.

Selected and purchased for permanent collection by Evanston Art Couincil Etnic Arts Festival Comittee.

City of Ankara Mayors Special Award on “ City and Children.”

Best Print Award N. Shields Photo Association.

Honorary Mention, Rural Landscapes, Erice Trapani, Italy.

Best Portrait, Photo Guild of Ankara..

Best Exhibition of the Year, Cine- Photo Magazine.


PhDq.University of Hacettepe.

Msc. University of Hacettepe.

Bsc. University of Hacettepe.



Küçük Esat M Ertuğrul Mah. Başçavuş Sok.

Tamer Apt. 126-13

Ankara Turkey

Tel. 0312 436 8373

Kamil2 at


Mersin Sanat Evi, Çevre ve İnsan Hakları Film Festivali, Balıkçılar ve Deniz. 2007

Vimeo New York Çevre Film Yarışması, Global Isınma, üç film kabul edildi. 2007

İstanbul Ediz Hun Çevre Film Festivali Mersin Deniz Kirliliği, 2009

FOTOGRAF. Sergiler,

Metropolis Art Gallery, Tüm Seçme Eserler Retrospektif

Washington Cultural Center, Blues and Jazz USA 2000

Pow Wow. O-Kee Jee Gallery Chicago , 1997.

Caz Fotoğrafları Edgewater Library 1996

Chicago Jazz and Blues. Mersin Devlet Tiyatrosu Galerisi, 1995.

Anadolu nun Anaları Mersin Sanat Evi Galerisi.1995

Ah İstanbul, SESI Galerisi, Şikago. 1994

TV Couch Patato Art-O-Rama Galerisi Şikago. 1991

Seçme Eserler Hild Sulzer Kültür Merkezi Şikago 1991

Türkiye Seçmeler Hatton Galerisi Newcastle U Tyne UK 1978.

Ankara Belediyesi Ödül Fotoğrafları Kızılay Zafer Pasajı Galerisi.

ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Galerisi 1967

Tarsus İş Bankası Galerisi 1967

Anadolu 66 Hacettepe Üniversitesi Galerisi 1966

H.Ü Fotoğraf Derneği Sergisi 1964

Hacettepe Üniversitesi Cine-Foto derneğinin 1966 de başkanlığı yaptım. H.Ü, ODTÜ Üniversitesi ve Ankara, İstanbul, Mersinin Çeşitli fotoğraf derneklerinde fotoğraf ve sinemanın değişik konularında konferans ve ders verdim. ODTÜ Çevre Mühendisliği Fotoğraf atölyesini kurdum. Uçak ve peyklerden çevre kirliliği fotoğraf ilişkisini araştırdım. Yurt dışında öğretim üyesi olarak çalışırken serbest fotoğrafçı olarak Caz, Blues ve diğer kültürel festivallerinden çekimlerin çeşitli ulusal ve uluslararası ajanslar tarafından dergi, gazete ve diğer yayınlarda yayınlandı.


Du Sable Müzesi özel ödülü ve müzenin daimi kolleksiyonuna Buddy Guy portresinin satın alımı.

Washington Kültür Merkezinin koleksiyonuna Blues ve Jazz fotoğraflarının dahil edilmesi.

Evanston Kültür Merkezi ve Müzesinin fotoğraf koleksiyonuna dahil edilmesi.

Ankara Belediyesinin Şehir ve Çocuk üzerine fotoğraf sergisi mansiyon ve satın alınması.

North Shields Fotoğraf Derneğinin en iyi fotoğraf baskısı ödülü.1978.

Tarihsel Alanlar sergileme ödülü Erice Trapani İtalya.

Senenin En İyi Fotoğraf Sergisi ödülü Cine-Foto dergisi

EĞİTİM.(Fotoğraf alanında)

HÜ Fen Bilimleri Fakültesi Bilimsel Fotoğrafçılık 1962

Şikago Halk Televizyonu

TV ve Film Editörlüğü sertifika ve diploma,

TV ve Film Prodüktörlüğü sertifika ve diploma

Şikago Bilgisayar Merkezi

Dreamweaver, Web dizaynı ve Adobe Photoshop diploma

EGİTİM. B Sc, M Sc., PhDq.

23 Nisan 2010 Cuma


E-mail: kamil2 at
Küçük Esat M Ertuğrul Mah. Başçavuş Sok.
Tamer Apt. 126-13
Ankara Turkey
Tel. 0312 436 8373

Metropolis Gallery and Café, 2005
Washington Library and Cultural Center, 1999
Transitions Gallery, Chicago, IL. 1999
Daley Center, Chicago, IL. 1998
Pow Wow. O-Kee Jee Gallery Chicago , 1997.
Chicago Jazz and Blues. Mersin Opera House, 1995.
Mothers of Motherland. Mersin Art Gallery, 1995
Istanbul. SESI Gallery, Chicago, 1994.
Art-O-Rama Gallery. Chicago IL, 1991.
Hild Sulzer Cultural Center,Chicago, IL, 1991.
Selections. Hatton Gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 1978.
Kizlay Gallery, Ankara 1970.
M.E.T.U. Gallery Ankara, 1967.
Tarsus IS Bank Gallery, 1967.
Hacettepe University Art Gallery,1966
H.U Art Club Exhibition, Ankara 1964.

Lectured Mersin, Photo Art Association, on the History of Photography, Photo Composition, Dark Room Techniques. Organized workshops, trips of on landscape photography, Environmental and Socially concious photography.
Freelanced for SIPA press Paris, Anotolian Press Agency,
Kanal D, and Cumhuriyet Newspapers.
In charge of METU University Env. Eng. photo lab. Organized many educational exhibits. Works published in books and jounals.


Awarded by Du Sable Museum of Chicago, and purchased for permanent collection.
Selected and purchased for permanent collection by Evanston Art Couincil Etnic Arts Festival Comittee.
City of Ankara Mayors Special Award on “ City and Children.”
Best Print Award N. Shields Photo Association.
Honorary Mention, Rural Landscapes, Erice Trapani, Italy.
Best Portrait, Photo Guild of Ankara..
Best Exhibition of the Year, Cine- Photo Magazine.


PhDq.University of Hacettepe.
Msc. University of Hacettepe.
Bsc. University of Hacettepe.


Blues is the mother of many music forms. Rock, yes!, Rock music too.

The founders of Rock they knew this. They used to visit Muddy Waters modest home or better term is shack maybe, with limousines to learn more and understand more on music and people who created it. It was their Mecca. Especially Rolling Stones were frequent visitors.

Many years Rock music played and danced by blacks nobody paid attention. But when sexy Elvis from south of USA, played the Rock with tunes highly effected by blues with provoking hip movements and style he borrowed from blacks everything has changed. It was history we all remember.

Blues seems and sounds like a sad music; definitely not. It is the black’s dynamic, genius mind that created it to make fun with their problems and shabby conditions created by racism.

BLUES USA Slayd show


Blues müziğinin çok acılı bir geçmişi vardır ama Blues acıyı yücelten Arabesk gibi bir müzik değildir.

ABD ye Afrika dan getirilen köleler bütün baskı geçmiş kültürlerini silme zoraki Hıristiyanlaştırma baskılarına rağmen kendi kültürlerini, Afrika müzik, ritim ve melodilerini koruyarak çelik gitar ve mızıka gibi basit aletlerle çaldıkları söyledikleri bir müzik türüdür. Sıkıntılar ve zorluklar mizah ile alaya alınır. Neşeli ve toplumsal bir müziktir. Hala yaşayan ustaları B.B King, Budy Guy kendi kulüplerinde müşterilerine neşeli anlar yaşatır.

Blues birkaç müzik çeşidinin dışında Rock, Caz, Popüler müziğinin babasıdır denilebilinir.

Meşhur Rock ın babası Rolling Stones lüks limuzin arabalarla Chicago da Muddy Waters ın evini devamlı ziyaret ederler ve ondan bilgi almaya çalışırlardı.


I am working on this project for more than ten years.
I am planning to end this year. I would like to add Africa and other countries but I don’t have enough time and funding for this. I have more than hundred fifty photos I think it is enough for this project.

After fifty years of Rosa Parks Montgomery bus boycott and the March on Washington organized by Dr. M. L. King Jr. the social and economic conditions of blacks and segregation hasn’t changed much.
Inner city blacks suffered unemployment, incompetent schools, gang and drug infested neighborhoods, racism and prejudice. Which limited black children’s ability for education and improvement of their lives. Black adults are always at the economic edge, as they say they were the, Last hired and first fired.

This poor ethnic minority created the best of the American music, maybe the only American music form Jazz, Blues, Soul, and Gospel. These music styles affected all western music forms including Classic music of Gershwin and the Rock Music, as we know today. Chuck Berry and Buddy Holly influenced The Beatles and Rolling Stones. Dynamic, electric, Chicago Blues was the main force for English rock bands, they were visiting the humble house of Muddy Waters with limousines they couldn't find an enough space to sit down so they went to his bar to talk and play.


Sema dance and Sufi rituals.

Whirling dance is long with many detailed processions, basically very simple musical instruments plays Sufi Music, dancers one hand is facing sky respect and prayer to God the other hand is facing ground connecting spiritual world to Earth and life.
Music. Cafe Anatolia and Local Mevlevi Musicians

Mevlana is a cultural figure of world stature who gave not only Turkey and the other Moslem countries but people everywhere the transcendent values of ‘the hearts purity’, the images of the Perfect Man, the deathlessness of the loving soul, joys of passion, humanitarian enlightenment, the artistic dimensions of faith, and the poetic euphoria of the belief in God’s beauty and in the human being as a reflection of that reality.He sought to create a ‘ climate of love ‘ when sectarian conflict was rampant and religious wars ablaze. Few faiths in history have shared Mevlana’s total commitment to peace or his insistence on blending ethics with aesthetics.

Talat Sait Halman


Berlin Wall around 1978 looks like a surreal image. The socialist state was crumbling at the other side. Capitalist city at this side was decadent, consumerism oriented and women of life looking for customer on the streets. Just like the progressive paintings of 1929

The street names like Spandau reminds horrific memories Rudolf Hess imprisoned there and train stations which carried prisoners to concentration camps of Nazis.
The war torn city looked shaby but there were very lively and experimental art scene in the western part of the city.

The irony was, the democratic! Side of the city there was an old Jewish neighborhood called Kreuzbach, now there are many legally invited Turkish immigrant workers families live there. But there was swastikas and `Turkische Raus’ "Turks out" slogans on the wall. These immigrant workers of Turkey replaced the man power of Germany lost in WWII. Invitation came from German government. But it was very difficult for them to bring their families. As if they only wanted the working man.

It is very sad there were many attacks and assaults to these workers and some of their homes were burned, adults and children killed.

It seems we have to be vigilant against racist ideas and beliefs all around the world. That is the only way to make this world livable.

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